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My Perfect Team? I ain't got no Scooby Doo!!

Exploring spooky islands, chasing ghosts, catching villains- is there anything these “pesky kids” cannot do? Do you think the Scooby Doo crew makes a perfect team.. a high performance team?

Here’s a Belbin Team Role spin on this awesome team..   In this series we will answer What are the 9 Belbin Team Roles?  What makes high performance teams?  Let's unwind as we learn!    

Scooby Doo Team Size - 5. Meets the Belbin Team Roles criteria of a perfect team – between 4 & 6 members

Behavioural Diversity - Belbin has all 9 team roles. Every character in Team Scooby Doo portrays the 9 clusters of behavior, or the 9 Belbin Team Roles beautifully!  Dr Meredith Belbin found that a perfect high performance team has the right combination of all the 9 team roles.  Let's check this out in Team Scooby Doo...

Here’s guessing the team roles of our leading characters

Scooby Doo  (PL, SP)– All Scooby needs is a handful of scooby snacks to kickstart his creativity! Keep him supplied with it and he can suddenly come up with bizarre, out of box ideas to catch them villains. Scoobs unwavering dedication to the science and art of tripping the baddies is the stuff of many sagas 

Plant (PL) – Creative, unorthodox, imaginative, comes up with ideas

Specialist (SP) – Single minded dedication, provides rare knowledge in short supply

Out of ideas to capture that spooky vampire? No issues. Just call Scooby!

Shaggy Rodgers (TW, RI)– Ironically, can be more loyal than Scooby himself! Follows Scooby around like his own personal bodyguard. Ever the find-outer, Shaggy can, without being aware of it, get pretty chatty with ghosts too. Tries to averts friction, is constantly running away from trouble. Doesn’t mind it a bit when scared Scooby jumps on to him. Quite willing to carry Scooby around while fleeing from spooky apparitions

Teamworker (TW) – loyal, perceptive, diplomatic. Caring and averts friction

Resource Investigator (RI) - Communicative, outgoing, enthusiastic

Fred Jones (SH, IMP)- “Let’s split up gang!”. Pretty sure you’ve heard Fred say this in every Scooby Doo episode. Fred drives the team. He’s the Boss. He thinks up careful plans and makes everyone stick to them

Shaper (SH)- Has drive and courage. Challenging, dynamic and thrives under pressure.

Implementer (IMP) – Practical, reliable, efficient. Turns ideas into actions

Velma Dinkley (ME, CF) – We’re left wondering if Velma even has a right brain. All that logic and cold analysis is valuable in ghost busting. Let’s not forget she’s quite the perfectionist as well and ties up all the little loose ends. After all villains are caught, you can’t wait to listen to Velma explain the whodunit to perfection

Monitor evaluator (ME)– Analytical, logical, sober, unbiased. Evaluates options objectively

Completer Finisher(CF) - Painstaking, conscientious, anxious. Searches out errors. Polishes and perfects

Daphne Blake (RI, CO) – She can sweet talk her way into anything! She has an eye on the bigger picture. She’s persuasive and will get everyone to do their bit. She’s so busy making friends with people, she’s always the first one to get caught by the ghosts. Zoinks!

Resource Investigator (RI) – Communicative, outgoing, enthusiastic

Coordinator (CO) – Mature, confident, identifies talent and delegates effectively

So, what makes a high performance team? Here is what we learn from Team Scooby Doo..

  1. Playing to strengths –They utilize each other’s strengths and don’t worry about their weaknesses.
  2. Engagement - They openly communicate with each other. They listen to each other’s ideas and suggestions.
  3. Team retention – They’ve been solving mysteries together for years! Then along came their latest edition Scrappy Doo, Scooby’s incorrigible nephew. The super pup caused enough trouble for the team. He was eventually asked to leave. Good call…
  4. Getting Results – No ghost or villain is spared with this super gang around! They have a 100% success rate.

Moral of the story?

Right team selection, open, honest communication and leveraging each other’s strengths is the key to team success.

Make your own teams succeed better with Belbin. Make Belbin happen!

This story was first published as “My perfect team..I haven’t got a Scooby Doo” by BELBIN Associates UK

Click the thumbnails below to read how the other members of the Scooby Doo crew contribute to make a perfect team.

Let's BELBIN my team. I want to know how much my team is a Scooby Doo Crew. Tell me how.


2. What makes the Scooby Doo crew a perfect team? Let's look at the team through the BELBIN lens! Every member of this crew is unique.

3. In this Scooby Doo series of posts, we have been looking at the Scooby Doo crew through the BELBIN lens, to discover what makes them a perfect team.

4. Sounds Familiar? Of course it does! It’s just good old Fred from the Scooby Doo crew gearing up for their next adventure! Soo how exactly does Fred lead the chase?

5. In this Scooby Doo series, we’ve been looking at this awesome crew through the Belbin lens! We’ve already seen Scooby, Shaggy and Fred!

6. You know Daphne has gotten herself into trouble, when you hear this! Daphne is the first one to run into trouble in the Scooby Crew.


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