BELBIN Accreditation | Open Course
BELBIN is the gold standard in building high performing teams. The BELBIN Accreditation Open Course provides an opportunity for participants to learn the BELBIN language and methodology in a structured rigorous way, in cohorts of learners from diverse industries... people and business leaders from the corporate world, and independent people professionals. The limited intake, and the unlimited diversity of participants makes for an exciting richness of perspective.
Why should you get a BELBIN Accreditation?
As a People Professional, or as a Team Leader, a Belbin Accreditation empowers you to:
- Conduct trainings on Belbin Team Roles
- Access and interpret Belbin Team Role Reports to Coach people
- Help teams handle conflicts. Resolve Team issues.
- Match people to jobs and jobs to people. Internal & external recruitment.
- Select a team for special project missions and initiatives
- Enable Team building, accelerate Team Performance
- Embed Belbin Team Role methodology in the Management & Leadership Development Process
- Become an internal or external Consultant on People & Performance
To explore how BELBIN can be of value in your specific context, ask for an obligation free conversation with our BELBIN Expert here.
Who will benefit from BELBIN Accreditation?
Anyone committed to leveraging behavioral diversity, in transforming performance of people and teams at work, and at school
What is CERT India BELBIN Accreditation?
The 2 day accreditation course offered in limited virtual or physical cohorts, is ideal for professionals who will be using BELBIN with individuals and teams, or who will be teaching the model.
The course addresses 4 main areas:
- The Theory, including the original work carried out by Dr. Meredith Belbin and his team at Henley Management College.
- The Nine Belbin Team Roles. The strengths and allowable / non-allowable weaknesses of each Team Role explored in detail, along with combinations of Team Roles … as we rarely have a preference for just one type of behavior.
- The practical use of Belbin Team Roles. This includes analysis of the reports and ways in which you can use them in numerous situations, including Team Building, Coaching and Conflict Management.
- The full scope of using Belbin team Roles. This explores the benefits of 360-degree feedback, team dynamics and job analysis.
As part of the course, participants will be coached to take the BELBIN Accreditation Test.

Why choose CERT India to get BELBIN Accredited?
- Unmatched Experience: Long standing partnership with Belbin Associates | Training & Consulting experience across industries & geographies.
- Unmatched Expertise: Several hundreds of BELBIN Accreditations since inception | Rigorous learning of Belbin concepts and applications directly from Dr. Meredith Belbin.
- Unmatched training concept, construct, design & delivery: The power of Belbin Methodology | Global know-how sharing | Innovative and rigorous design & delivery, in physical & virtual class formats.
- Unmatched Customer Engagement: Driven by our CREED Values | Deeper interactions | Leadership team involvement | Demonstrated expertise to add value
- Unmatched Back-end Support: Long tenure with CERT India | Quality in the genes | Expertise to support Customer Staff in using Interplace Software
Course Leader

Ravi Sundaram, Founder Director of CERT India, has more than three decades of rich experience in working with discerning business leaders worldwide. He founded CERT Team Development (India) P Ltd in 2005, out of a sheer passion to help Corporate India & Sri Lanka make the most of their people and teams. Ravi has worked closely with Dr Meredith Belbin, Barrie Watson and the senior leadership at Belbin UK. He is certified to conduct Belbin Accreditation Training. A distinguished alumnus of NIT Tiruchi and a graduate of IIMA, Ravi is also the Founder and Managing Director of Mercuri Goldmann (India) Pvt Ltd.
Upcoming BELBIN Accreditation Open Course cohorts
The much valued 16 Hour BELBIN Accreditation Course - In Person Physical Class - comes up as scheduled below. To enrol, or to explore how BELBIN can be of value in your specific context, ask for an obligation free conversation with our BELBIN Expert here. .
Let's make BELBIN happen!
Upcoming BELBIN Accreditation Open Course - 2 Days - Instructor Led Virtual Class - ZOOM - Limited seats | March 7th - 8th |
BELBIN Accreditation | In-Company Course
Ideal for large corporates seeking to transform performance of people and teams, the BELBIN Accreditation In-Company Course is an opportunity to:
- Inculcate a spirit of collaboration and respect for diversity, when learnt as a cohort that includes business and people leaders.
- Learn the BELBIN language and methodology in context of day to day workplace experiences, future goals, and specific needs.
- Identify and tackle specific projects that are relevant and important to the Organization’s priorities, as part of practicing and implementing the new learning.
The Course Structure follows the BELBIN Accreditation Open Course, while the content is customized to the learner’s reality, in the interest of sharper focus on specific organizational needs, better engagement and deeper learning.
To know more about the In Company Belbin Accreditation Course, please leave your contact details here.
Let's transform performance of people and teams . Let's make BELBIN happen!