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"Looks like we’ve got another mystery on our hands”

Sounds Familiar? Of course it does! It’s just good old Fred from the Scooby Doo crew gearing up for their next adventure!

Soo how exactly does Fred lead the chase? Let’s understand through the Belbin way!

According to Belbin, every person in a Team contributes through their own preference of Team Roles..  clusters of  behaviour, that reflect a tendency to contribute to the team in a particular way.  There are 9 Belbin Team Roles.

We have seen Scooby and Shaggy’s top two Team Roles. Now, let’s zoom into Fred’s Belbin Team Roles

How does Fred Jones contribute to this awesome team?

Fred is a Shaper and an Implementer. He screams task task task! What does that mean? It means he drives the team forward and converts ideas into actions

Shaper (SH) - Has drive and courage. Challenging, dynamic and thrives under pressure.

Implementer (IMP) - Practical, reliable, efficient. Turns ideas into actions

Fred loves challenges. He doesn’t run away from them. Every time there’s a new mystery around the corner, Jones here is the first one to spot it! He’s eager to find out what’s up. He mobilises the rest of the gang and gets them on board. He organises work by asking the gang to “split up” because he believes they can achieve more that way.

He makes elaborate plans and gives clear instructions to the team on following them. What’s more, he tries his best to curate the perfect trap for the ghouls, but thanks to Scooby or Shaggy, the plan is destroyed even before it starts!

It’s a delight to see poor Fred’s face when things don’t go according to plan! Implementers cannot thrive in chaos.  But with a leader like Fred, the Scooby crew has nothing to worry about. They’re always good to go!

Every team needs a Fred. Without drive and courage things wouldn’t move forward. People would feel demotivated and slack it out. And without concrete planning, the team would be directionless, lost.  But Fred alone is not enough to make the team work. It takes rich pool of behavioural diversity to make the perfect team. Without someone coming in with ideas and analysis, Fred can’t implement anything. And without diplomacy that averts friction, aggression and conflict is bound to rise.

Click the thumbnails below to read how the other members of the Scooby Doo crew contribute to make a perfect team

This post is an adaptation from what was first published as 'My perfect team? I haven't got a scooby Doo' by BELBIN Associates, UK, in  https://www.belbin.com/

Click the thumbnails below to read how the other members of the Scooby Doo crew contribute to make a perfect team.

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Let's BELBIN my team. I want to know how much my team is a Scooby Doo Crew. Tell me how.


1. Exploring spooky islands, chasing ghosts, catching villains- is there anything these “pesky kids” cannot do? Do you think the Scooby Doo crew makes a perfect team?

2. What makes the Scooby Doo crew a perfect team? Let's look at the team through the BELBIN lens! Every member of this crew is unique.

3. In this Scooby Doo series of posts, we have been looking at the Scooby Doo crew through the BELBIN lens, to discover what makes them a perfect team.

5. In this Scooby Doo series, we’ve been looking at this awesome crew through the Belbin lens! We’ve already seen Scooby, Shaggy and Fred!

6. You know Daphne has gotten herself into trouble, when you hear this! Daphne is the first one to run into trouble in the Scooby Crew.


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