Belbin Reports can be used whenever you are looking at maximising both individual and team performance in the workplace. Our series of How To Guides will enable you to get the most out of your Reports.

How to Form a Team?

In many organisations, teams are well-established in set locations with defined job descriptions and roles. However, in Belbin terms, it can be beneficial to assemble a team to meet a specific challenge - for example, when beginning a new project or introducing change. The formation of a new team provides an opportunity to move outside existing structures and to put together a number of individuals who may not previously have worked together, but who - in combination - provide the best spread of roles to meet the requirements of the task at hand.

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How to make the most of Belbin Team Reports?

The Team Reports have been designed to provide as complete a view of the team as possible. No one report tells you everything you need to know; rather, each provides a different part of the picture. During the facilitation process, you can decide what to use and how much to share, depending on what is appropriate to the team.

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How to integrate a new team member?

Many companies invest considerable time and effort in the recruitment process, to ensure that the right person is given the job: someone who can work well with the existing team and add value to the organisation. However, the work doesn't end there - the signed contract is only the beginning. In order for someone to become an engaged and effective member of the new team, effort is needed to welcome and integrate them, to ensure that they understand their new job position and periodically to monitor the success of the integration process

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How to use Belbin to Increase Employee Engagement?

An engaged workforce means a productive workforce. Download this guide to see how you can use Belbin alongside Gallup recommendations.

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How to use Belbin Reports to raise self-awareness and increase personal effectiveness?

Everyone has something to contribute to a team, but some begin the Belbin process with greater self-knowledge and self-understanding than others. Some people have been in work - even in a particular team - for a long time and are well established and well known. Some just have a greater perception than others of how they behave and how their behaviours are perceived and understood. Whatever the situation, this guide demonstrates how Belbin reports can be fed back in order to maximise an individual's contribution.

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How to build lean Belbin teams?

One area where Belbin is being used successfully worldwide, by companies such as Xerox, is in conjunction with Lean Six Sigma. It makes sense - Lean looks after the process, and Belbin looks after the people. Download our guide to help you make the link.

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Here are some quick and easy ways to get started on your BELBIN / transformation journey. Tick the box that best speaks of your interest

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