TEAM ROLE ALIGNMENT is a simple team table activity that helps players understand how to interact with each of the nine Team Roles.  In this understanding is the key to building highly productive relationships at work.

When is TEAM ROLE ALIGNMENT Exercise useful?

TEAM ROLE ALIGNMENT as an exercise is very suitable for:

  • Building and enhancing working relationships
  • Helping all members of the team to contribute appropriately and be highly productive
  • Understanding how to manage difficult Team Role chemistry
  • Developing strategies for using Belbin Team Role techniques in the workplace
  • Improving self-awareness and development

By understanding how to interact with others who may have different Team Role behaviours, players can build on and enhance their own working relationships to ensure that they are highly productive.

How does this exercise work:

The team gets a three column chart with all nine team roles shown on a reusable A3 size hard board, and a bunch of helpful and unhelpful behaviors.  The team’s task is to match the behaviors against each team role. The exercise takes about 15 minutes.

This exercise is best done after participants have received and read through their BELBIN individual Reports. 

The Team Role Alignment Exercise also complements the Working Relationships Report that can be produced

Who should use it?

Any trainer, consultant or manager who is using Belbin with a team. This exercise will only be of benefit if used alongside the Belbin Reports, and preferably the Working Relationship Reports.

TEAM ROLE ALIGNMENT Exercise helps teams internalize the helpful and unhelpful ways of behaving with the nine different Team Roles. It accelerates adoption of the BELBIN language and enhances team synergy.  So, let’s leverage the power of BELBIN games.  

Let’s make BELBIN happen!

Yes!  I want to know more about BELBIN games.  How can I purchase a TEAM ROLE ALIGNMENT game? 

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Co-operate is a simple and impactful way of getting players to communicate and acknowledge the Team Role contributions of self and others.

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The nine BELBIN Team Roles are unique in their contributions. The game ‘Contribute’ is designed to demonstrate this uniqueness.

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Step 1


Step 2


Step 3

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